
Fitness Gym in Pittsburgh

Be Phenomenal

At UltiMET Fitness, our philosophy is simple. Stay healthy, have fun. More often than not, people dread working out and let their health fall to the wayside. We believe that working out should be the best hour, or more, of your day.
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No matter where you start, you will be pushed to become a better version than when you started.


No matter your goals, we are here to empower you along the way.


Our staff and members believe in creating a friendly environment for people at all fitness levels.

Every body is unique.
Find something that works for YOU

Back to Basics

Our Back to Basics program will teach you the basics of safety and proper fitness techniques. You'll graduate into our regular classes in no time!
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Main Programs


Our program is purposely segmented to allow each individual the opportunity to focus on strength, endurance, and weightlifting.
Join our gym. Join our family.Contact us For More Info
Main Programs


The fast-paced, ever-changing circuit of strength and cardio exercises keep bodies guessing and minds from becoming bored.
Join our gym. Join our family.Contact us For More Info
Main Programs

Getting started is easy



To get started you need to do only one thing, walk through the door! This is usually the hardest part of your fitness journey.

Develop your custom plan

Your path to success is determined by one thing...COMMITMENT! Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality!

Transform your entire life

Success looks 100 different ways to 100 different people, but the important thing is to celebrate them no matter how big or how small. We promise we will be right there with you when you do!

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Pittsburgh Residents

Everything you need to crush your fitness goals

Weekend Classes

Outdoor Fitness Area

Class Reservations

Individualized Programming

Personal Training

Open Gym


Our family is what makes us special. And it's what will keep you going

WE understand that getting in the best shape of your life is no easy feat, but YOU must understand that nothing great ever came easy! Your journey to the best possible you will not be done alone here. We are here to encourage you, to support you, but most importantly, to challenge you!

Over the past 7 years we have helped countless people achieve their fitness goals! These achievements not only positively affected their bodies, but also their minds and souls! We don’t want you to just have better abs, we want you to have a better LIFE!

When you are at UltiMET Fitness you are not apart of a “Community”, you are a part of a “Family”!  If you run a marathon, you will run through many different communities. Throughout these communities, many people will blindly cheer you on, but do they know the struggles you went though building up to the race? Its only at the finish line, where your family meets you with open arms, that the long cold night training runs, the sore muscles, the hardships and the doubts are overcome and celebrated! At UltiMET Fitness, we don’t use the “C” word, we use the “F” word!  Here, you are a part of a FAMILY!

Located in the heart of South Side of Pittsburgh

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. UltiMETFitness is located and easily accessible from all of Pittsburgh.

1213 Bingham Street Pittsburgh PA 15203
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Questions? We (probably) have the answers!

Do you provide free refreshments there?
Do I have to be fit to join?
What payment methods do you accept?
What kind of movements/exercises can I expect?
Do I have to stop eating my favorite foods?

Still curious? Talk to us!

You don't have to be phenomenal to start, but you do have to start to be phenomenal!

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