
Tech+Heavy in Pittsburhg

Try our Tech+Heavy Classes


The focus will be on the following Olympic-style lifts: Snatch, Clean, Push-Press, Push-Jerk, and Split-Jerk. Whether you are a new or developing lifter, we’ll help you learn to lift with an efficient technique suited to your body.
You will be paired with a coach in a small group class to refine your style through various accessory techniques.

Contact Us To Get Started

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Pittsburgh Residents

Located in the heart of South Side of Pittsburgh

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. UltiMETFitness is located and easily accessible from all of Pittsburgh.

1213 Bingham Street Pittsburgh PA 15203
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You don't have to be phenomenal to start, but you do have to start to be phenomenal!

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